B Series LED Signs
The Price doesn't include shipping cost, pls directly contact us to get more details. Thank you!Emai..
The Price doesn't include shipping cost, pls directly contact us to get more details. Thank you!Emai..
If you a wholesaler, pls contact us about the details.Email: h8@hidly.cn Tel: +86-17762..
Feathers:2 Kinds of Lighting Modes: Solid and running;Bright and Eye Catching: With super bright LED..
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzgyOTYzMzE5Ng==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1Feathers:2 Kinds of L..
This LED sign is made from high quality ABS plastic and shiny black acrylic panel;LEDs are super bri..
Feathers:2 Kinds of Lighting
Modes: Solid and running;Bright and Eye
Catching: With super bright LED..
Feathers:3 Kinds of Lighting
Modes: Static, running and flashing;Bright and Eye
Catching: With super..
Feathers:2 Kinds of Lighting
Modes: Solid and running;Bright and Eye
Catching: With super bright LED..
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